So, it's not a pest that can co-exist happily in garden taking only its fair share. It's a pest that needs to be eliminated early in the season.
There are some organic solutions:
The parasitic wasp Encarsia formosa is a biological control. Probably not so effective outside but can be obtained commercially in SA through Biological Services, PO Box 501, Loxton, SA 5333 Ph 08 8584 6977. It kills whitefly nymphs in one of two ways: they either lay an egg inside the nymph, providing food for their young, or they kill the nymph right away and feed on it. Once the whitefly nymphs are parasitised they turn black and no longer feed.
Other predators often present in the garden are spiders, ladybird larvae, lacewings, hoverflies and damsel bugs. Some of these are also available from commercial distributors.
I've also read that vacuuming in the early morning when whiteflies are cold and slow-moving with a small hand-held battery operated vacuum is useful for the adults before a great deal of egg-laying is done. After vacuuming enclose the section of the machine containing the bag with plastic and put in the freezer for 24 hours. I might investigate a dust buster or similar to have on hand in the garden!
Good old companion plants can also be effective. Nasturtium in addition to lovely flowers and leaves that can be used in salads in summer can also help to repel the pest.
Fertilizers can also be an issue. Fertilizers rich in nitrogen including manures, will cause lovely green growth which will attract more whiteflies. Check the phosphorus and magnesium levels in your soil, as deficiencies in these are believed to contribute to whitefly infestations.
You can also try a high pressure hosing under the leaves in the early morning, 3 days in a row, but in my experience they simply fly away and happily land elsewhere until its safe to return.
Some suggest that whitefly is a modern pest, created by the over-use of pesticides that have killed off its natural enemies. One study has even demonstrated an increased whitefly reproductive capacity when sprayed with certain insecticides! So avoid synthetic insecticides.
Here's some ideas for more organic approaches:
- Insecticidal soap sprays such as Natrasoap are a good choice of control for the home gardener; spray every 2-3 days for 2 weeks.
- Spray Eco-Oil or try making your own oil spray by mixing 1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid detergent with 1 cup of cooking oil; add 1 to 2.5 teaspoons of this solution to 1 cup of water, spray onto plants every 10 days.
- Botanical insecticides such as pyrethrum plus garlic are useful. Research undertaken in NZ on neem’s effectiveness for whitefly found that it had a major impact by preventing the 'nymph' stage from developing into an adult; the nymphs tend to disappear from the treated plants.

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